The Power of Sound has been an integral part of human civilization for thousands of years. According to today’s science, everything we feel, see, sense and touch is vibrating energy, we call particles. The basic principle of meditative sound use is the concept of balancing the resonance (the vibratory frequency of an object).
Everything Vibrates, this includes human beings. Every organ, cell, and bone in our bodies has an optimal healthy frequency. A healthy state creates a natural frequency in harmony with the rest of the body. When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have “dis-ease” creating disease. When intentional sound is projected into the unbalanced area, correct harmonic patterns are restored at a cellular level. During the course of our lives, many emotional, mental, spiritual, and environmental factors interfere with this optimal peaceful state.
Sound Science dates back to ancient Greece when music was used as a medicine to treat a variety of ailments and cure mental disorders. Science has proven the effects of vibrational frequencies in lowering stress, strengthening immunity, managing pain, boosting moods and providing trauma relief
At last, science is aligning with the wisdom of our ancestors—revealing the power of sound to heal the mind, body, and spirit. Sound and frequency therapy is taking the healing arts by storm, and there’s no better moment than now to dive into this enchanting modality! By joining us, you’ll gain the expertise to elevate your own healing journey, kickstart or expand your business, and bring a sense of well-being to your loved ones. Once a sacred practice of ancient cultures, sound healing is now validated by modern science, illustrating its remarkable benefits. As more individuals seek holistic approaches to wellness that nurture the entire being, sound healing is making waves in diverse settings—from medical facilities and corporate wellness programs to holistic centers and life coaching initiatives.
In the past different culture shave used music and singing to heal the body and spirit. Ancient Egyptians, believed musical incantations to be an effective way to treat illness. Whereas Native American tribes believed that certain sounds had healing powers. The old African world thrived on the physical and intangible.
In modern times with all of the holistic ways to heal sound healing is becoming a more popular practice. The tradition recognizes when the environment is sick and is able bring balance via the chakra system. The goal is to restore the psychic health of the sufferer as well as the community.